
Dongfang Yunmengtan

Chapter Five Where Life Doesn't Meet


Chapter Five Where Life Doesn't Meet

The result of Ren Bing 's battle was really miserable. Although the door was closed, it did n't take long for it to be broken. An unrecognizable corpse was thrown out and smashed the door, and the battle inside was long over I do n't know what magic pieces are scattered all over the ground, corpses and bloodstains are scattered all over the field, they are all bombarded by huge impact force, or they penetrate through the wall, get stuck inside abnormally, or fly over the beam It seems that the whole scene is really very impactful.

After Sun Wu confirmed that the battle was over, he left with Xiang Ling, but praised Ren Ye because he was not only strong in martial arts, but also not afraid of power. He shuddered without hearing the reputation of the government. If there were more in the world, Such people, the world should change a lot.

"Master, you're wrong. Ren Ye is the number one kinky thief on the river today."

"Oh, a 'kinky' thief?"

In Sun Wu's memory, Xiang Ling almost never refuted her words. It was the first time that she had directly denied such a thing. Obviously, her anger was lingering and she was deeply stimulated by Ren Ye.

"He is not afraid of power, but he has nothing to fear. Just like Yuan Shaoxia, Ren has his own title and rank from the imperial court. Purely based on official rank theory, he is much higher than these small military attachés who are sesame and mung beans. Reported in the name of the law on military service, it doesn't matter if he kills ten times more people. "

"Ah? But those people also said he was a wanted criminal ..."

"That was also deliberate. This life's" sex "is swaggering, obviously a disciple of Buddhism, but he likes to wear a sign of" kinky "thief, which is eye-catching. The several wanted cases on his back are all molested aristocrat 'Female, or the' wife 'fornication' with other people's love, so the defendant was sued to the government, and it has been wanted without any pain.

"Oh, then ... the men who sue him are all men? What about the girls? Did you find him to settle the bill?"


Xiang Ling kept talking, but he did not want to speak for Ren Ye, but he did not want to lie to Sun Wu about this matter. Hesitating for a while, Sun Wu had already seen the answer.

"Well, in this way, Mr. Ren, like Simon Zhu Yu, is a 'kinky' thief that is very pleasing to girls."

"How can that rotten man compare with Simon's benefactor!"

Sun Wu heard the words, laughed, for nothing else, Ren Ren can make the graceful manner of Xiang Ling repeatedly miserable, which is worth laughing.

Feeling like he was being laughed at, Xiang Ling smiled a little embarrassingly, and didn't say much, letting her disorder get out of control again and again. On the way back, after repeated consideration, Xiang Ling still decided to speak and inform him of something that might make the little owner unhappy, so as not to cause harm in the future.

"I don't know if it should be said or not, but ... Master, your uncle Lu is actually very problematic."

"This is of course. He went out of practice and lost his mind, otherwise he wouldn't do it like this."

"No, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with the practice fire. Before then, this person will have problems."

Xiang Ling told Sun Wu that after Lu Feiyang escaped to hide his debt, the debt collectors and horsemen jointly investigated and found that he claimed to be practicing martial arts in Cihang Jingdian, but there was no such person in the disciple roster of Cihang Jingdian. Take the portrait to ask, and no monk recognized him. He said that he had participated in the Taiping's 'rebellion', and his achievements were outstanding.

As a result, when Lu Feiyang wandered away from home, no one knew where he went or what he did. The neighbors around Mi Xing looked back and looked at each other. It turned out that what this population said was not true.

"How? Uncle Lu, he ... is a liar? Sisters refused him because of this?"

The teenager was indeed hit, remembering everything in his childhood, compared to what he heard today, I really do n't know which is true and which is false.

However, when Sun Wu and Xiang Ling returned to the house by detour, they were surprised to find that there was someone at the door of Sun Wufang. Fei Lishou had already stood there, waiting for the two to return.

"Are you back? I have something to tell you."

Similar to what Sun Wu had just done, Fei Lishou also went on a trip to Honesty, but he gained something that the teenager could not get.

"I just discovered by accident that, although the exterior of the house was deserted, the front and back doors were locked, and a lot of dust was accumulated, but there was indeed someone inside."

"Ah? But don't you see your eyes, Miss Consort?"

"It's not open, it's not invisible, but it's the same for now."

"Then ... you stand outside the door, at least dozens of feet from the house inside, so you can hear someone inside, are you, you a bat?"

Sun Wu asked with a stunned expression, but Fei Lishou didn't think he was embarrassed, but just smiled and said that he was best at all kinds of incurable diseases. This kind of small skills happened to be his specialty.

However, when Xiang Ling asked whether Fei Lishou had entered the house to investigate, Fei Lishou did not answer. Sun Wu also felt a little strange, because he and Xiang Ling had never thought of someone in the house, so they didn't turn over the wall and enter the house. Since Fei Shou has already found out, with her martial arts, what is it to go over the wall? Why didn't you get into it first?

In any case, since this important discovery was made, Sun Wu decided to go back and look at it, even waiting for dawn. However, the concubine who found the incident declined the request of her peers, and the reason for the rejection made Sun Wu feel strange.

"I ... I don't like climbing walls."

Perhaps Mingmen Shuyuan didn't like the action of climbing the wall. Sun Wu had no time to think about it, and immediately returned to the honest rice line with Xiang Ling.

Judging from the traces outside the door, there is no sign of people entering or leaving, but from the perspective of debt avoidance, hiding in a broken house with no one at first glance is indeed a dead end of thinking and a good place to hide.

Sun Wu and Xiang Ling easily went over the wall and went straight into the empty 'swinging' main house inside. They quietly pushed in the door and found that the tables and chairs in the house were covered with a thick layer of gray. There are embers that burn things, as if someone was cooking here or using it for heating. In any case, this is evidence that someone has lived there, giving Sun Wu confidence.

"Xiang Ling, let's find them separately, and go to every room to see."

To save time, Sun Wu and Xiang Ling searched separately. Running in and out of several rooms in the room, the palm of the boy was sweaty and his throat was so dry that he hoped to find Uncle Lu and was afraid to meet him at this time and see his disappointment. .

A few rooms were searched at once. Sun Wu found nothing and was frustrated, but a soft cry came from outside.


It was a man's accent, certainly not Xiang Ling. Sun Wu's whole heart hung up to his throat, and he couldn't help answering. He rushed outwards against the wall, and there was a loud crack. The anxious boy came out through the wall and broke the brick and rubble. In the dust that had fallen, only a tall and thin man was seen. Most of his body was covered by darkness, and he leaned against the door to peer in.

This time it hit the wall, and the loud noise seemed to startle the person. With his eyes widening, it seemed that he didn't respond for a while, but one foot instinctively stepped out, and it seemed to run away soon, Sun Wu. Anxious and uncontrollable shouting blurted out.

"Lu, Uncle Lu!"

After many years, Sun Wu's voice and his childhood have naturally changed, but when Sun Wu called it, the man suddenly shocked, turned his head, and looked at the teenager carefully from top to bottom. After a while, he made a sound. Extremely dry response.

"... is ... Xiaowu?"

The familiar voice, even though he still can't see clearly, has made Sun Wu sure to come, and he is happy and sad. Just from that dry voice, it is not difficult to imagine that Uncle Lu has had a hard time in recent years, and from a distance looking at it, Uncle Lu seems to be emitting a shawl, extremely embarrassed, and his clothes are tattered, with occasional sour smell Gone here, even if you can't see clearly, you know that he is unkempt and looks like a flower boy, which is not the gentle image of the past.

"Master, did you find it? It's too dark, I found a lantern."

In an embarrassing silence, Xiang Ling's voice came from afar, and she appeared soon, accompanied by the flame of the lantern in her hand, and appeared behind Lu Feiyang.

The subtle firelight turned away from the darkness, and also illuminated the silhouette of the man in front of him. The shawl shed and the ragged wolf wolf looked like a savage who had been isolated from the world for a long time. As the boy imagined before, he couldn't help but feel sad and almost Then wept tears.

Looking further down, under the spread of beards and long hair, the dirty and shabby clothes, the right sleeve has a half-empty 'swing' swing, which looks quite weird, because no matter how you shrink your hands, it should not appear Such a scenario, unless ...

"Uncle Lu, you ..."

Sun Wu was shocked and rushed forward. When he touched the half-sleeve, the whole person was thundered and his thoughts were affirmed. There was no arm in the half-sleeved sleeve. Lu Feiyang's right hand was elbow-shaped. broken.

"Your hand! Uncle Lu, what about your hand?"

"... It's been a long time since I was confused."

There is no blood on the sleeve, and there is no bandage inside the sleeve. It has been broken for a long time and it will not hurt any more, but for Sun Wu, it is completely another matter. He just learned about this and is bearing it. Great shock and shock.

The long-lost relatives reunited after many years. Not only were they disappointed, but even their limbs were broken. It was a great blow to the teenager, and for a reason that could not be explained, the moment they saw Luffy's broken arm He felt very, very sad, sad, and guilty. Before he realized his behavior, he was already tearing Lu Feiyang's sleeve and burst into tears.

"Oops, oops, why are you crying like a kid? When the boy grows up, he shouldn't still be a crybaby! What about Xiaoyu? She couldn't be too far away from you, didn't she come down together?"

The years that were more than twenty years apart appeared at this time, and Lu Feiyang soon recovered from the shock of a long absence, persuading him with a bitter smile with a voice familiar to the teenager.

"... that ... I'm sorry to bother you, but it doesn't seem to be a place to talk, is it better to change places?"

In this special moment, Xiang Ling became a strange outsider, but she quickly found her own position. When Lu Feiyang and Sun Wu were immersed in sadness, she gently blew out the lantern in her hand and spoke. Remind those two people.

Then, when the sun rose again, Chen Xizhao 'shooted' into the house, and there were no more half-people in the house, returning to the usual quiet ...

Maybe he was too hungry. Lu Feiyang, who returned to the inn with Sun Wu, saw the food delivered to the table, like a starving ghost, and ate five bowls of rice in a flash. The dishes on the table swept away.

With only one hand left, it is naturally impossible to eat chopsticks and bowls in one hand when eating. Lu Feiyang's appearance of eating is extremely inelegant. In the eyes of Sun Wu, he naturally has many emotions, but he tries to restrain himself as much as possible. I do n't want to show the color of compassion in my eyes, so as not to stimulate the other side.

In Sun Wu's age, this kind of thought is already rare, and has been regarded as his own Xiangling, standing beside Lu Feiyang, helping to add tea and pouring water, a pair of beautiful eyes flashed Looking at Hui Yan's sharpness, he watched the depth of martial arts of this uncle Lu.

I have observed the time, and the answer is still the same. I can only judge that Lu Feiyang has learned martial arts, but he cannot see the exact depth. In fact, it is not completely invisible. From the walking steps and movements of Lu Feiyang, Xiang Ling can see that he has trained weapons and has internal strength, but they only belong to the third and fourth ranks on the rivers and lakes. Although one arm is missing, it can still be a cottage owner and lead a hundred people, much better than being a tramp.

Previously, Sun Wu told Xiangling that Lu Feiyang had entered and exited Liangshan Park many times. Xiangling also knew that in addition to flying magic weapons, he could only use the cloud road ladder. However, according to Xiangling's understanding, the so-called cloud road ladder is basically Natural storms, let a person jump into the kind of natural disasters, be rolled up into the air, and fall into Liangshanpo. This method of nine dead and a lifetime can be lucky once in a while. Fortunately, it 's good luck. How can it come in and out?

The same sleepy 'confusion', Sun Wu also had it. When he was young, his eyesight was poor, and he could not tell the depth of people's martial arts. But now, I still do n't think that Lu Feiyang has any outstanding skills, even from the signs he saw. Judging by the fact that Lu Feiyang jumped into the ladder of Yunlu, he would be broken up. I do n't know how many times he came in and out.

Everyone was silent, and there was only the crisp sound of bowl and plate collisions in the room, and the sound of people's breaths, and the one who broke the silence was the uninvited guest who opened the door and entered.

"... Who is this long-bearded savage? He eats so many things, does he have to pay for it himself?"

"Xiao, don't be rude, this is Uncle Lu, don't you recognize it?"

"He smells bad, can I bomb him out?"

"Little sister!"

Sun Wu stood up angrily, but immediately knew what was going on. Xiaoyan should recognize Lu Feiyang. If he really saw a stranger, Xiaoyan's "cute" disguise must be on his face immediately, and he would blink pure and naive eyes, Disintegrate the defense of others, instead of using this stinking expression that makes people look away and retreat from home. Therefore, Xiao Yan did recognize Lu Feiyang.

"Oh, is it Xiaoyu?"

After having a full meal, Lu Feiyang saw Xiao Yan, his eyes were surprised, he completely ignored the indifference and estrangement shown by Xiao Yan, as if he saw his relatives flying over, more eager than when he saw Sun Wu earlier. .

"I haven't seen you for a long time. You are still malnourished. What do those people eat for you? Uncle Lu misses you so much, come and hug him."

"No, you're stink and coquettish, stay away, I don't want to be held by tramps."

"What? Do you discriminate against homeless people? It was too young to have this idea. It shouldn't be so much. Uncle Lu will hold you hard."

"Evil, it smells ..."

Sun Wu and Xiang Ling stared at the scene in front of them, seeing that Lu Feiyang was like a rag doll, holding Xiao Xiao in her arms, and then kissing her delicate face, and Xiao Xiao, who had never been close to her, Although she had a disgusted expression on her face, she didn't really make any effort to resist. Otherwise, with her usual hot hand, even if she couldn't match the strength of an adult, she could easily make the other person stumped.

At first glance, it really looks like a long-awaited reunion between a father and a daughter, a slightly naughty father, a young and mature daughter, making intimate contact, but just thinking of Xiao Yan's 'sex', Sun Wu and Xiang Ling I really feel that this scene is an incongruous miracle.

"Yes, Xiaoxun and Uncle Lu seemed to be doing well before ... Is it so? They don't remember well, they don't seem to be so good ... Well, I really don't remember."

Unable to clarify the memory for a while, Sun Wu shook his head and helped Xiang Ling clean up the tableware on the table. Afterwards, everyone sat down, and Sun Wu asked Lu Feiyang about his encounters over the years, and why this was the case.

"... I'm really ashamed to say that, but you are getting older, Xiao Wu, and you should gradually understand these things ... That year, after I was rejected by your sister, I was hit hard and started to give up ... "

Taking this sentence as a starting point, what Lu Feiyang said was roughly the same as what Xiang Ling had previously probed from Mi Pu's neighbors. After Lu Feiyang was hit, he practiced carelessly, went into the devil, and spent all day mentally. Alas, I renounced myself in the mood, and met some bad-looking rivers and lakes characters. Although not in Yuyu Township, I was not doing my job properly, spending money like running water, and when Lu Feiyang's mental state improved, I was surprised by everything around me. At that time, he had lost his family property and had accumulated huge debts. As a last resort, he had to dismiss his servants to flee, but he had been hiding outside for a long time and could not survive. Recently, he had no choice but to hide back to his sealed-up home.

In recent days, some people have begun to look around the door of his hometown. Lu Feiyang knows that he is about to move to another position and abscond. Sun Wu has already arrived. If Sun Wu is late for a few days, Lu Feiyang will rise again, see him. No more.

"... I had a ridiculous day, I was drunk and drug addict, and I spent a lot of money at the gambling table all the time. At that time, I vowed to quit gambling and drug addiction, every time I slashed my fingers and vowed, five I finished cutting my fingers, but I still could n't quit. In the end, I was severe, half of my hands were chopped, and the person was awake, but it was too late, Xiao Wu, Uncle Lu did n't have a face to say these things to you, but today Uncle Lu You need to remember well, and never be like me in the future. "

Luffy Yang spoke intently, so that Sun Wuda was touched, and felt that it was okay to fly in the past. He is now "waking up", and his love for himself has never changed. Just for this, he himself It is time to support his rebirth.

"Excuse me ... well, no, it's okay, bother you."

Xiang Ling spoke for a few times, but still couldn't ask. Although Lu Feiyang looks like a savage, he may have been so handsome before, but was hit by a broken love and made himself self-destructive. Isn't the other party a peerless beauty? However, Feng Jie's appearance, which she saw in the video that day, was a fat woman of several hundred catties, with an ugly appearance, and Lu Feiyang was not blind, so how could she be so obsessed with a fat woman? ?

"Forget it, I shouldn't ask, green vegetables and radishes, each has its own advantages. Maybe like some heroes in ancient times, some people fly away when they see a fat woman."

Xiang Ling shook her head, but heard that Sun Wu asked one of the most important questions, which was the way Lu Feiyang used to go in and out of Liangshanbo.

"Huh? Don't you know? I used magnetic buoys to get in and out of Liangshanbo. Your uncle Hu was my good brother. He also gave me the buoys, but then your sister got angry and rushed me out. After Liang Shanbo, I destroyed the floating board with my own hands. If I die, I can't go anymore ... "

"Uh, what an absolute deal?"

It shows that Xiang Ling is surprised. She was curious why Lu Feiyang fell in love with the fat woman. When she heard that the fat woman was so high-profile, she was so surprised that she didn't know what to say. It was hard to imagine that there was such a thing in the world. Fat woman with high attitude.

The most confusing technical confusion and confusion were resolved in this way, and during Lu Feiyang's speech, several groups of people outside the store came to bother, and all of them were creditors who came to the door.

Sun Wu himself has no money and doesn't know how to deal with it. Each time Xiang Ling walks out without saying anything, and will go to the creditors who come to the door one by one, and there are a lot of hooligans like hooligans. Se ', talking hard and fierce, was also subdued by Xiang Ling for an instant, and did not come to harass.

But no one can see that this kind of things will only be more in the future. The creditors who heard the news will only appear one after another. Although they have driven away a few hooligans, the other party will not give up. The next time they come, they will definitely be the brigade. Personnel, unless they can pay back, otherwise such things will be endless.

"Uncle Lu, what are you going to do in the future?"

Sun Wu asked worryingly, but he didn't have any solution. It was a reality that he had no money in his hands. It was impossible for the teenager to steal and grab, and he could not help solve Lu Feiyang's dilemma. However, Lu Feiyang didn't seem to intend to accept the assistance from the junior, shook his hand, and asked Sun Wu instead.

"Don't ask me what to do first, Xiaowu, how did you leave Liang Shanbo? This is not just running away from home?"

Because he didn't want to worry about Lu Feiyang, Sun Wu didn't say too much, and ignored the matters concerning Buddha blood relic and iron blood riding group, but simply said that Dad was seriously ill and needed a special magic weapon to save his life. Xiao Yan came down to help Dad find magic weapon.

"A magic weapon that can cure disease? This kind of thing is not without it, but most of it is in the hands of the court. Do you want to steal something from the palace?"

"No! It's not stealing, and we're not going to the palace, but to Cihang Jingdian."

"It's even more unreasonable. The bitter tea abbot of Cihang Jingdian strictly prohibits his disciples from using magic weapons. How do you find them when you find them?"

"But ... But it was the elder sister who told us that Abbot Kucha has a secret treasure that can cure his father's illness!"

When Sun Wu and Lu Feiyang asked and answered, Xiang Ling was not surprised. The abbot of the bitter tea forbids disciples from using magic weapons. This is known to everyone in the world, and he has been wondering for many days. He has at least knowledge of the rivers and lakes, which does not mean anything, after all, any local hooligan can know this.

When he heard that there was a secret treasure in Abbot Kucha, Lu Feiyang felt as "confident" as Xiang Ling had before, frowning and thinking, thinking "Shen Yin" forever, this is normal, but after thinking about it for a long time, But Lu Feiyang seemed to think something, and suddenly a word came out.

"Xiao Wu, Fenghuanger ... she wants you to seek the magic weapon of the abbot, or baby?"

"It should be magic weapon, magic weapon can cure disease, but is there any difference between magic weapon and baby? At that time, my sister said the word" baby ... "

In the literal sense, there is no difference. People usually use these two words as one, but carefully distinguished, the magic weapon is currently a proper noun, and the scope of baby is very wide. From Ling Feiyang's question, Xiang Ling noticed a blind spot, but at the same time, she also noticed the fleeting edge in Lu Feiyang's eyes.

That sharpness ... sharp like a scabbard sword that has been sealed for many years. Although it is invisible and intangible, it can cut people's hearts. Xiang Ling first saw such a sharp eye. For a moment, she understood two things.

First, this man is indeed a liar. He is a liar and is not as simple as it looks.

Secondly, this man probably already knows what the secret baby is. It is because of this that he has such sharp eyes. Liang Shanbo's name is what he wants to obtain.

"Xiao Wu, you and Ci Hang Jing Dian have no origin. Although Abbot Ku is a well-known kind man, but he has no relationship with you. How do you plan to get the baby?"

Sun Wu has thought about this many times. Of course, the ideal situation is, of course, a monk who is compassionate and willing to lend himself a magic weapon to go back for treatment, but what if it is not so ideal?

Secret abduction, such a thing Sun Wu can't do, and he doesn't want to do it, then he can only move the other person with his sincerity. Just imagining, I find this very difficult, but this is another task that must not fail.

"Xiao Wu, you have little experience in the rivers and lakes. I'm afraid it's difficult to handle this matter. It's better to go to the Cihang Jingdang with your uncle and be flexible."

If Lu Feiyang's proposal was two months ago, he would surely make the young man ecstatic, but now he feels hesitant. After all, this trip may conflict with the Cihang Jingdian. An extra Lu Feiyang waits for more A burden, the added risk is not small. However, Lu Feiyang just wanted to cheer up. If he refused to export, would he hit him and give up?

Juvenile hesitation, can not escape Luffy's eyes. Despite the downfall, middle-aged people still have the wisdom of middle-aged people, and Lu Feiyang roughly saw what Sun Wu was worried about.

"To make Xiaowu worry about you, I'm going to live more and more. You can rest assured, since my uncle is out, he should make a difference, and he won't die like a drunk dream."

"Uncle Lu, is there anything I can do?"

"Oh, no matter how uncle is unproductive, you can't let juniors worry about it. Since you don't want your uncle to help you, your uncle will not burden you."

Lu Feiyang said that a few friends had contacted himself before and wanted to do a small business with him. Because he was dead, he did n't agree, but now that he was ready to cheer up, he was ready to accept their invitation. When he made enough money to pay the debt, he Will come back again.

It didn't take long to meet just now, they had to be separated. Sun Wu's heart was full of divorce, but Lu Feiyang had to leave Pingyang City as soon as not many people noticed his presence, otherwise he might not be able to leave, and for Lu Feiyang's determination to return to the prodigal son, Sun Wu also sincerely wished this uncle a new life.

Life is always impermanent. Sun Wu recalled that when he first left Liangshanbo, he had planned to go to Lu Feiyang, but did n't make it because he did n't know the address. But now I want to come. If I see Lu Feiyang at that time, he will be very confused. Do it.

The familiar acquaintance was beyond recognition, and Sun Wu didn't even know if he should tell his sister about it. Fortunately, Lu Feiyang has obviously stepped out of the low 'tide' and tried to cheer up.

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