
Don S Princess Completed

Today is Saturday means Saturday and Sunday arnav will be in home and will spent his time with his princess. Saturday and Sunday whole mansion will be cleaned by arshi and kitchen also belongs to them only.

In Arshi' s room:

Khushi woke up from her sleep with joy. Because today is Saturday no office nothing only arshi. Then she saw that arnav is sleeping she then bending near his ear shouted.

Khushi: ARNIEEE shouted.

Arnav: because of the shout arnav jerked and sat on the bed. Then he saw that his princess is smiling.
Princess why you shouted like that.

Khushi: arnie you forgot today is Saturday that means only arshi day. Said with excitement.

Arnav: ohh ok. Say me what you want to eat and do other things today. While removing her hair tendrils.

Khushi: I want to eat today aloo dum biryani and we will also play basket ball. And cleaning the garden,planting etc., ok. With excitement.

Arnav: ok my princess first we will clean the house and then after freshening we will make breakfast and after that total masti ok. Saying he kissed her fore head.

Khushi: ok arnie. As you say. She kissed his cheek.

Arnav: now get up come on first we will clean. Saying they both went down stairs and started cleaning the house all servants smiled seeing this. They admired them. After leaning both went to fresh up.

After some time they came down stairs after freshening. They directly went to kitchen. Entering the kitchen arshi ushered daima and hp from the kitchen.
Then arnav made khushi sit on the kitchen slab.

Arnav: princess you sit here and see what your arnie is doing ok. By pecking her cheek. Khushi nodded her head excitingly. She loves it when arnav makes her favourite food and sometimes she will also help him. He completed the break fast with in 45 min. While making breakfast they also share some kisses.

Arnav kept the bowl on dining table. And served in one plate for him and his princess. Then he also asked daima and hp to serve themselves. They will servants also like their family.
Then he sat on the chair and taken khushi on his lap. After settling on chair he taken spoonful of biryani and feed to khushi then he waited for her response.

Arnav: how is it princess. Asked with fear.

Khushi: superb arnie said khushi giving him a full blown smile. Arnav smiled. Khushi pecked his cheeks.

After having their breakfast they played basket ball and  cleaned the garden and  also planted some plants.

Next day:

Arshi had their breakfast and sitting in the living room. Arnav is checking the mails in his  phone and khushi  is seeing Barbie in tv  being in arnav' s embrace.Arnav  is  securing her in his  arms.Then  there is  a bell  sound  on the  door.

Arnav: hp  go  and  see  who is  there .said  arnav  not  knowing  who  came  now.

Then  hp  went  and  opened  the  door  and shocked  to  see  police  standing  there.


Chirag:  namaste  can i  come  in.

Hp: (coming  out  of  the  shock ) ji  aayiye(yes  welcome) saying  he  went  aside  to  welcome  guest .

Arnav: (thinking  why  hp  is  taking  this  much  time ) hp  who is  there?

Hp: arnav  baba  cut  by  chirag

Chirag: hi  ASR  said  coming  inside.

Arnav:( getting  up from the  sofa  ) ACP  chirag  .with  surprising  tone  .

Chirag: yes  ASR.you are  surprising  right  seeing  the  great  ACP  chirag  here. but  today  i came  here  not  as  an  police  officer  .today  i came  here  as  a  husband  and  as  a  father.(ACP  chirag  is the  only  one  other  than  aman  who  knows  that  arnav  is  not  only  a  ceo  of  ar  and  also  a  don.)

Arnav  understood  that  he  is  in some  problem.

Arnav: can we go to my study room and discuss (because  khushi  don't  know  his  other  side.)

chirag  nodded.

Khushi: understood  that her  arnie  is  thinking  that  she  don't  know  about  his  other  side.arnie  you  can talk  here. I  know  about  your  other  side  arnie(arnav  and  chirag  shocked)   so  now  you  don't  want  to  keep it  as  a  secret  from  me. and  one  more thing  i am  not  angry  on  you. said   holding  his  hand  smiling.

Arnav: (cupping  her  cheeks) princess  cut  by  khushi

Khushi: (by  holding  his  hands which  are  on his  cheeks)we  can  talk  about  that  later  arnie  first  listen  to  his  problem.

Arnav  understand  that  his  princess  understood  him  and  nodded. 

Arnav  then  turning to  ACP  chirag  asked 

Arnav: what  happened  chirag. by sitting  on the  sofa  and  khushi  and  chirag  also  seated.

Chirag: i  arrested  shyam manohar  jha  the  most  wanted  criminal 's  right  hand  man  andrew  yesterday .when  that  shyam  sent  his  lawyer  to  bail  his  man .i  didn't  approved  the  bail.i talked to  judge  also  that  he  is the  most wanted  person  and  we  arrested  with  proof  when  he  is  carrying  drugs  in his  vehicle.i  said  the  same  to  his  lawyer. lawyer  went  from there.After  some time  shyam  called  me  and  said  i  didn't  bail  him  out  of  prison  then  he  will  kidnap  my  wife.  I taken  it  as  a  lite because  wherever  she  goes  security  will  follow  her . Because  of that  reason  i  didn't  taken  it  as  serious . but(pause)  yesterday  when  she  went  to  market  after  2  hours  also  she  didn't  return  from market . i  started  worrying   and  searched  everywhere. when  i  am  searching  i  got  a  call  from   shyam  he  said  that   he  kidnapped  my  wife  if  i  didn't  release  his  man  then  he  will  kill  her.  i  shocked  . i  didn't   understand  what  to  do  .  If  i  release  that  andrew  i  will  feel  guilty  for  not  giving  the  justice  to the  victims  of the  family  who  are  suffering  because  of  him. the  person whom  i  arrested  is  same  like  his  boss  shyam  manohar jha  . he  is the  culprit  of  many  rapes and  murders. for  my  family  i  will  not  live  the  culprit of  many  people. i  said  the  same  to  my  higher  officials. they  felt  very  proud   and  bad  at  same  time  for  not  saving  my  family.After  some  there  is  a  phone  call  from  hospital  saying  that  my  my  daughter  met  with  an  accident  then  i  immediately   reached  hospital  i  got  know  that  this  is  also  done  by  shyam.(choking) i  didn't  understand   what  to  do  we  tried  to  trace  his  number  but  no  response  at  all.  when  i  thought  to  release  his  man  i  remembered  what  my  wife  and  daughter  said  they  said  once  if   anytime   i  faced  like  problem  in  my  life  they  said  to  choose  that  criminal  not  them  because  they  know  that  i  love  this  job  and  can  go  to  any extent .then  i  thought  that  if  i  release  that  criminal  because  of them  they  may  feel  guilty.  At  that  time  i  remembered  you.  so  i  came  here  to  take  help  from  you.please  save  my  wife  ASR  .  saying  he  cried.

Arnav: HP  (shouted  ) hp  came  there  and  arnav  said  bring  water .hp  came  there  and  given  water  to  chirag .chirag  drinked  water  and  after  some time  he  composed  himself.

Khushi: how  is  your  daughter ? with  moist  eyes.

Chirag:(moist  eyes) she  is  fighting  for  her  life  in the  hospital. my  wife  and  daughter  both  are  my  world  ASR  if  anything  happens  to  them  i  can't  live .please  save  my  wife.

Khushi: arnie  save  her  na  arnie  help  him .please. with  moist  eyes.

Arnav: shh  princess  i  will   princess  i will   . i will   save  her .its  my  promise.  saying  he  kissed  her forehead.  what  you  said  his  boss  name  chirag.

Chirag: shyam  shyam  manohar  jha.

Arnav: why  do  i  feel  like  he  also  have  a  connection  on that  murder.  mumbled  to  himself.

Chirag: you  said  anything  ASR.

Arnav: no  nothing  wait  i  will  call  my  men  and  will  ask  to  trace  that  number you  give  me  that  number .chirag  given  number  to  arnav  and  arnav  called  one  of  his  men  michael.

michael  lifted  the  call  in  single  ring.

Arnav: hello  michael  i  messaged  one  number  to you  trace  that  number  immediately    i  will  be  on  hold  .ordered  .

Michael: yes  boss   i  will   tell  now  only  . after  some  time  michael  said  boss  this  number  is  showing  the  old  bunglaw  outskirts  of  delhi. 

Arnav: ok  now  listen  to  me  carefully  michael  you  take  and  go  our  men  there and  surround  that  bunglaw  .  i will  come  there  with  in  30  minutes. see  how  many  members  are  there in that  bunglaw.ordered  in  pure  ASR  tone.

Michael: yes  boss  done .saying  the  call  went off.

After hanging  the  call  arnav  said  to  chirag

Arnav: we  have  to  reach  there  immediately. chirag  nodded  and  turning  to  princess  and  hp  princess  you  be  here  and   watch  here don't  go  outside   i will  return  back  in  2  hours  . hp  take  care  of  princess  . hp  and  khushi  nodded  their  heads.

Khushi: arnie  all  the  best  saying  he  pecked  her  cheek.arnav  kissed  her  forehead  and  went  from  there with  chirag.


Arnav's  men  are  surrounded  corners  of the  bunglaw.arnav  asked  how  many  members  are  there inside .michael said  7 men  and  one  lady .she  is  tied  to  the  chair.

 Arnav to  chirag: my  men  will  go  inside  and  tackle  those  people  who are  in .In the  Meantime you call  your police team  then you can arrest them  and I think  their boss is also here only. So you can arrest  him  also. Some of my men will save your wife. Explained the plan.

Chirag: ok ASR  .

As per plan  arnav' s  men  went inside with the help of windows and  tackled them. They also noticed that  their boss in drunken state. They informed this to arnav and chirag.

Arnav: superb now we can easily save your  wife. Saying arnav also went inside. With his men he saved chirag ' s wife. In the meantime  police team also reached there and  in side the bunglaw arnav' s men are beating shyam' s men and arnav and chirag  are beating shyam. After some time chirag  asked arnav and his men to move from here if police comes inside it may cause problem to them. So arnav and his men went from there. Police taken shyam  and  his men to their custody. Shyam who  is by  now came to conscious state started  shouting.

Shyam: ACP  chirag  i will  kill you  I will not leave you.saying he went from there with police.

ACP  chirag also hugged his wife and went from there.

Here is your update lovely readers and please don't forget to vote and comment.

Next update: arshi lovey dovey movements. Shyam releases from jail.

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